- Libusbk Driver Download
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Self-contained end-user installer applications created by InfWizard.
Download Zadig - Install generic USB drivers on your computer in a quick, efficient manner, by turning to this lightweight application that lets you generate catalog files. Libusb or libusbK. Embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0, libusbK v3.0.7.0 & usbser (native).
- libusbK client installers combine proven LZMA sfx technology with a professional driver installation tool creating a tightly packed and feature rich solution for end-user driver installations.
- Packaged in a modified LZMA sfx module. See: http://7zsfx.info/en. This module is highly configurable with installer-like options.
- Uses dpinst.exe, by Microsoft. Dpinst.exe is a robust multi-language driver installation utility. This utility has a set of configurable wizard screens to ease end-user installations. Features also include:
- Install multiple .inf files at once, each can contain multiple devices with multiple hardware identifiers.
- Uninstall via add/remove programs. (removes from driver-store)
- Silent/wizardless operation modes.
- Simplistic xml-based configuration. (dpinst.xml)
- Customizable EULA.
- For a complete list of dpinst.exe features see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff553383%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
ORDER OF OPERATIONS (InstallDriver.exe - default config):
- End-user launches InstallDriver.exe. If not already running with elevated permssions, the user will immediately be prompted with a UAC warning: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa511445.aspx If you do not sign InstallDriver.exe with a code signing certificate, the UAC prompt will display 'Unknown Name' and 'Unknown Publisher' in the message box. Purchasing a cheap code signing certificate will allow you to set these values.
- SFX module:Extracts driver setup files to a temporary folder.
- SFX module:Runs dpscat.exe. This utility creates self signed catalog files from .inf files and the binaries they reference. These signed catalog files prevent windows from prompting the user with an unverified publisher warning: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/system/wiisensor/wiisensor10.png
- SFX module:Runs dpinst.exe. Device drivers are pre-installed. If the device has not been connected it will be available for use upon first connection. All devices known to windows matching your hardware IDs will be flagged for re-install. If the device is currently connected, drivers are immediately installed, the device is retarted and available immediately.
- SFX module:On wizard exit, removes the temporary extraction folder.
ORDER OF OPERATIONS (re-pack-files.cmd - default config):
- The following files are compressed into a normal LZMA .7z file:
- All '.inf' files in the current folder
- All files and folders starting with 'dpinst' in the current folder.
- All files matching 'dpscat.*' in the current folder.
- All files and folders in the x86, amd64, and data sub-folders. (recursive)
- The SFX module, SFX config file and .7z file are merged together using a binary copy. eg: COPY /B sfx_module+sfx_config+files.7z installer.exe
- Note:
- Run the 're-pack-files.cmd' batch file after modifying any part of the package.
- Customizing the SFX Module:
- SFX customization is done in the '7zDP_LZMA.cfg' file.
- See http://7zsfx.info/en/
- Customizing the driver installation:
- dpinst.exe customization is done in the 'dpinst.xml' file.
- See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff553383%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
- Other customization:
- .inf file can be hand modified as needed.
- Files can be added or removed as needed.
- Icon and resource text can be changed with a standard resource editor such as ResourcHacker: http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/
Zadig is a Windows application that installs generic USB drivers, such as WinUSB, libusb-win32/libusb0.sys or libusbK, to help you access USB devices.
It can be especially useful for cases where:
- you want to access a device using a libusb-based application
- you want to upgrade a generic USB driver
- you want to access a device using WinUSB
Note:'libusb-based' above means an application that uses either libusb, libusb-win32 or libusbK.
Updated 2020.03.28:
- Zadig 2.5 (4.9 MB)
System Requirements:
Windows 7 or later.Windows XP and Windows Vista are NO LONGER SUPPORTED
Libusbk Driver Download
Download the executable and run it — no installation is necessary.
If elevation is required, you will be prompted for it.
An usage guide for Zadig is available HERE.
The executable is digitally signed and the signature should state: 'Akeo Consulting'
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Libusbk Driver Download Windows 7
A Zadig FAQ is available HERE.
To provide feedback, report a bug or request an enhancement please use the github issue tracker. Or you can send an e-mail.
GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
You are free to distribute, modify or even sell the software, insofar as you respect the GPLv3 license.
Libusbk Driver Download Windows 10
Zadig is based on libwdi which uses an LGPL version 3 or later license.
The executable is produced in a 100% transparent manner, from its public source, using a Visual Studio environment.
Driver Downloader
- Version 2.5 (2020.03.28)
- Fix
generation for some user directories with non western characters - Fix update check
- Improve error reporting
- Embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0, libusbK v3.0.7.0 & usbser (native)
- Fix
Libusbk Driver Download Pc
Source Code
Driver Download Nvidia
- libwdi 1.3.1 source (320 KB). Includes Zadig in the examples directory.
- Alternatively, you can clone the git repository using:
- For more information, see the github project.