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Hi folks,

Download RME Fireface 800 Audio Interface PnP Driver 3.116 (Audio/DJ Gear). RME Audio takes software support seriously, and has compiled drivers for use with the new Mac OS operating system macOS 11 Big Sur with full support for Intel & M1 (ARM) Computer.Digiface AVB is currently not compatible. Driver Downloads.

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I have what seems to be a simple issue. How do you download and install the latest version of the Totalmix FX application on Windows 7? I recently uninstalled the version I had in order to solve a launch problem. Supposedly Totalmix FX comes bundled with the Fireface drivers, but after I install the drivers, there’s still no shortcut or Windows tray icon or anything else I could find to start Totalmix FX. It doesn’t start automatically. I can't find a “Totalmix” or “Firefacemix” file on the hard drive. The process I followed was to download the latest driver file (driver_fw_win_3122.zip as of today), then extract and run the rmeinstaller.exe file that's in the zip file. The driver installation seems to complete normally, since it does create the entry “Windows Driver Package – RME Fireface (12/15/2106” under “Programs and Features” in the Windows Control Panel. There are some older driver package versions listed there as well.


I’m using a ten year old Fireface 400 (updated firmware in 2013) connected via firewire to a 4-year old Windows 7 PC (64bit, Service Pack 1) with an AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.40 GHz processor. Totalmix had been working fine until a few months ago, but lately it had been refusing to open the mixer window (it would start a process in the background, but I couldn’t make it open a window no matter what I did). I uninstalled it, but now I can’t do the reinstall at all. I see some others have had the launch problem, but first things first.

Any help is sincerely appreciated!

Rme fireface 800 driver download

Rme Driver Download Pc

Jack C.

Driver Downloader

Driver Strings

RME Intelligent Audio Solutions
Fireface UC / Babyface / UFX / UCX
Treiber f?r Windows XP/64 / Vista/7/8 32/64
Hinweise zur Treiberversion 1.028
Achtung Fireface UC! Der TotalMix Autostart des alten Treibers V 0.938 wird vom aktuellen Treiber nicht aus der Windows Registry entfernt. Dies muss daher einmalig vor (oder nach) dem Treiberupdate manuell geschehen. Dazu ist der Eintrag
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunFirefaceUsbTray2 = firefaceusbmix.exe
zu entfernen. Am einfachsten und sichersten funktioniert dies ?ber die im Treiberarchiv enthaltene Datei
remove old mixer autostart.reg
Per Doppelklick auf diese Datei entfernt Windows den Autostart-Eintrag.
Achtung Babyface! Wurde zuvor Treiber 0.956 von der Treiber-CD installiert gilt das gleiche wie oben beim UC. Treiber 0.956 enth?lt auch eine Deinstallation (siehe Handbuch). Wird der Treiber vor dem Update deinstalliert ist damit auch der alte Autorun-Eintrag entfernt.
Neuigkeiten, ?nderungen und Fixes
V 1.028 (11.12.2012)
- Neues TotalMix FX 0.989
- TM FX: Optimiertes Verhalten des Babyface Echo/Reverb bei Wechsel der Samplefrequenz. Crash bei ?bergabe unzul?ssiger Werte f?r Submixauswahl beseitigt.
- Verbesserte Kompatibilit?t zu Windows 8
- Verbessertes Verhalten bei Stop, Wechsel der Samplefrequenz und des Settingsdialogs
V 1.025 (27.08.2012)
- Neues TotalMix FX 0.984
V 1.024 (12.07.2012)
- Neues TotalMix FX 0.983
V 1.022 (03.05.2012)
- Kompatibilit?tsproblem mit Windows 8 beseitigt
- Problem mit langsamem Herunterfahren/Hardwareentfernung gel?st
V 1.019 (17.01.2012)
- Support f?r das Fireface UCX
- Neues TotalMix FX 0.963
V 1.013 (09.11.2011)
- Neues TotalMix FX 0.96
- Settingsdialog: Synchronisation der Latenzeinstellung im Mehrger?tebetrieb
- Verbesserte Funktion Speaker B, siehe Options/Key Commands in TotalMix FX. Hinweis: Arbeitet nicht mit SPDIF/ADAT!
V 1.01 (10.10.2011)
- Neues TotalMix FX 0.95
- Settingsdialog: Neue Option 'Lock Registry' auf der About-Seite
- Fireface UFX: AC-3 wurde auf dem AES/SPDIF-Ausgang nicht korrekt signalisiert
V 0.984 (21.06.2011)
- Neues TotalMix FX 0.942
V 0.983 (17.06.2011)
- ASIO: Support f?r kAsioCanInputMonitor hinzugef?gt
- Neues TotalMix FX 0.941
V 0.981 (20.05.2011)
- Settingsdialog: TMS wurde nach Neustart abgeschaltet
- Settingsdialog: In bestimmten Situationen erschien ein Reiter f?r ein nicht existierendes Ger?t
- Neues TotalMix FX 0.94 RC1
- Bugfix hohe Interruptbelastung beim Treiberentfernen unter W7 SP1
V 0.979 (15.04.2011)
- WDM: Wiedergabe bei Buffersize 512 oder h?her litt an Knacksern/Aussetzern
V 0.977 (01.04.2011)
- Alle Dateien auf Sprachneutral umgestellt
V 0.976 (18.03.2011)
- Neues TotalMix FX 0.93
- TM FX Hilfe und der Settingsdialog werden unter Win 64 richtig installiert
- Settingsdialog speichert seine Position
- Settingsdialog: Pitch Men?/Listbox verbessert
- Settingsdialog: Frequenzauswahlbox verbessert
- Settingsdialog UC: teilweise falsche Status-Anzeigen beseitigt
- WDM UFX: ADAT 1 1/2 heisst nicht mehr SPDIF
- Diverse kleinere Verbesserungen im WDM-Treiber
- Multiclient Playback Mixing auf gleichen Kan?len
V 0.966 (20.12.2010)
- Neue TotalMix FX Hilfe
- Doppelten 24 Bit Eintrag in WDM Eigenschaften entfernt
V 0.964 (03.12.2010)
- Neues TotalMix FX 0.924
V 0.963 (19.11.2010)
- Nutzung mehrerer WDM-Devices konnte zu Bluescreen f?hren
V 0.961 (03.11.2010, aktuelle Firmware: 338)
- ?ndern der Puffergr?sse setzte zuvor benutzte Samplefrequenz im Settingsdialog
- M?gliches Aufh?ngen beim Umstellen der Samplerate beseitigt
- TotalMix 0.915
V 0.960 (21.10.2010, aktuelle Firmware: 336)
- Laden des Treibers setzt die korrekte Samplefrequenz
- Nach Standby wird die korrekte Samplefrequenz gesetzt
- Settingsdialog: +D hinzugef?gt
- TotalMix 0.913
V 0.959 (04.10.2010, aktuelle Firmware: 336)
- Offizieller Support f?r Fireface UFX, TotalMix 0.91.
V 0.956 (20.09.2010, aktuelle Firmware: 176)
Version f?r Babyface Treiber-CD, TotalMix 0.87
V 0.954 (25.08.2010, aktuelle Firmware: 175)
- SPDIF In TMS Option
- WDM KS 16 Bit f?r Sonar
- Deinstallation per Windows/Programme
- TotalMix FX 08341, neu: MIDI remote
V 0.951 (11.08.2010, aktuelle Firmware: 173)
- Erster ?ffentlicher Release
Fireface UC:
V 0.954 (25.08.2010, aktuelle Firmware: 111)
- SPDIF In TMS Option
- WDM KS 16 Bit f?r Sonar
- Deinstallation per Windows/Programme
- Fader der Gain-Seite entfernt, da Steuerung per TotalMix FX
- TotalMix FX 08341, neu: MIDI Remote
V 0.938 (30.03.2010, aktuelle Firmware: 91)
- Standby bei laufender Wiedergabe m?glich
- Verbesserte WDM Kompatibilit?t, Lautsprecher Surround Routinen ?berarbeitet
V 0.936 (27.01.2010, aktuelle Firmware: 91)
- ASIO Direct Monitoring funktionierte nicht
V 0.935 (18.06.2009, aktuelle Firmware: 82)
Erster Release
Dieser Treiber erfordert eventuell ein Update der Firmware des UC/Babyface. Dies geschieht ?ber das USB Flash Update Tool, erh?ltlich auf unserer Website:
Erste Treiber-Installation:
Verweisen Sie w?hrend der Installation in das Verzeichnis, in dem sich die Treiberdateien befinden. N?here Hinweise enth?lt das Handbuch.
Erl?uterung zu den Treiberdateien:
fireface_usb.sys: Windows Hardware Treiber, WDM Audio ud MIDI
fireface_usb_64.sys: Windows 64 Bit Hardware Treiber, WDM Audio und MIDI
firefaceusb.exe: Settingsdialog
firefaceusbmix.exe: TotalMix
fireface_usb_asio.dll: ASIO Treiber
fireface_usb_asio_64.dll: 64 Bit ASIO Treiber
fireface_usb.cat: Katalog File f?r signierte Installation
fireface_usb.inf: Hardware Installationsanweisung f?r Windows
TotalMixFX.exe: TotalMix FX for Fireface UFX
TotalMixFX.chm: Help file for TotalMix FX
Copyright RME 12/2012
Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Windows XP/Vista/7/8 ist ein Warenzeichen der Microsoft Corporation. ASIO ist ein Warenzeichen der Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. ADAT ist ein Warenzeichen der Alesis Corp.
RME Intelligent Audio Solutions
Fireface UC / Babyface / UFX / UCX
Driver for Windows XP/64 / Vista/7/8 32/64
Important information: Driver version 1.028
Attention Fireface UC! The TotalMix autorun entry from old driver 0.938 is not deleted from the Windows registry by installation of this driver. Therefore the entry has to be deleted once by the user before (or after) the driver update. Remove the entry
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunFirefaceUsbTray2 = firefaceusbmix.exe
The most easiest and safest way to do this is to double-click on the file
remove old mixer autostart.reg
which is found within the driver archive. Windows will then remove the autostart of the old mixer.
Attention Babyface! In case driver 0.956 had been installed from the driver CD the above applies to the Babyface as well. Driver 0.956 includes supports de-installation (see manual). If the driver is de-installed prior to the update the old autostart entry is already removed.
News, changes and fixes
V 1.028 (12/11/2012)
- New TotalMix FX 0.989
- TM FX: Optimized behavior of Babyface Echo/Reverb when changing the sampe rate. Crash fixed when using invalid values for the submix selection.
- Improved Windows 8 compatibility
- Improved behavior on stop, changing the sample rate and Settings dialog
V 1.025 (08/27/2012)
- New TotalMix FX 0.984
V 1.024 (07/12/2012)
- New TotalMix FX 0.983
V 1.022 (05/03/2012)
- Compatibility problem wit Windows 8 fixed
- Fixed slow shutdown/hardware removal
V 1.019 (01/17/2012)
- Support for Fireface UCX added
- New TotalMix FX 0.963
V 1.013 (11/09/2011)
- New TotalMix FX 0.96
- Settings dialog: Latency setting is synchronized when using more than one unit
- Improved Speaker B function, see TotalMix FX, Options/Key Commands. Note: does not work with SPDIF/ADAT!
V 1.01 (10/10/2011)
- New TotalMix FX 0.95
- Settings dialog: New option 'Lock Registry' on the About tab
- Fireface UFX: AC-3 was not signalled correctly on the AES/SPDIF output
V 0.984 (06/21/2011)
- New TotalMix FX 0.942
V 0.983 (06/17/2011)
- Support for kAsioCanInputMonitor added
- New TotalMix FX 0.941
V 0.981 (05/20/2011)
- Settings dialog: TMS had been switched off on every restart
- Settings dialog: In some situations a tab for non-existing devices was shown
- New TotalMix FX 0.94 RC1
- Bug fix high interrupt load when removing the driver under W7 SP1
V 0.979 (04/15/2011)
- WDM: playback with buffer size 512 or higher had clicks and drop outs
V 0.977 (04/01/2011)
- All files changed to language neutral
V 0.976 (03/18/2011)
- New TotalMix FX 0.93
- TotalMix FX help and Settings dialog are correctly installed under Win 64
- Settings dialog saves the current position
- Settings dialog: Pitch menu/list box improved
- Settings dialog: sample rate list box improved
- Settings dialog UC: partly wrong status information fixed
- WDM UFX: ADAT 1 1/2 is no longer labelled SPDIF
- Various small improvements of the WDM driver
- Multi-client playback mixing on identical channels
V 0.966 (12/20/2010)
- New TotalMix FX help
- Removed double 24 bit entry in WDM device properties
V 0.964 (12/03/2010)
- New TotalMix FX 0.924
V 0.963 (11/19/2010)
- Using more than one WDM device could cause a BSOD
V 0.961 (11/03/2010, current firmware: 338)
- Changing the buffer size reverted to the sample rate used before in the Settings dialog
- Fixed possible hang when changing the sample rate
- TotalMix 0.915
V 0.960 (10/21/2010, current firmware: 336)
- Driver sets the correct sample rate when loaded
- Driver sets the correct sample rate after standby
- Settings dialog: added +D string
- TotalMix 0.913
V 0.959 (10/04/2010, current firmware: 336)
- Official support for Fireface UFX, TotalMix 0.91
V 0.956 (09/20/2010, current firmware: 176)
Version for Babyface driver CD, TotalMix 0.87
V 0.954 (08/25/2010, current firmware: 175)
- SPDIF In TMS Option
- WDM KS 16 bit for Sonar
- De-installation via Windows/Programs
- TotalMix FX 08341, adds MIDI remote
V 0.951 (08/11/2010, current firmware: 173)
- First public release
Fireface UC:
V 0.954 (08/25/2010, current firmware: 111)
- SPDIF In TMS Option
- WDM KS 16 bit for Sonar
- De-installation via Windows/Programs
- Faders on the Gain tab removed - control via TotalMix FX
- TotalMix FX 08341, adds MIDI remote
V 0.938 (03/30/2010, current firmware: 111)
- Entering Standby possible even while playback active
- Improved WDM compatibility, Loudspeaker surround routines reworked
V 0.936 (01/27/2010, current firmware: 91)
- ASIO Direct Monitoring funktionierte nicht
V 0.935 (06/18/2009, current firmware: 82)
Initial release
This driver may require an update of the Fireface firmware. To update download the Flash Update Tool from our website:
First time Driver Installation:
During the installation of the driver point to the directory where it resides. For more detailed information see manual.
Driver files explained:
fireface_usb.sys: Windows hardware driver, WDM audio and MIDI
fireface_usb_64.sys: Windows 64 bit hardware driver, WDM Audio and MIDI
firefaceusb.exe: Settings dialog
firefaceusbmix.exe: TotalMix
fireface_usb_asio.dll: ASIO driver
fireface_usb_asio_64.dll: 64 bit ASIO driver
fireface_usb.cat: catalog file for signed install
fireface_usb.inf: Hardware installation script for Windows
TotalMixFX.exe: TotalMix FX for Fireface UFX
TotalMixFX.chm: Help file for TotalMix FX
Copyright RME 12/2012
All rights reserved. Windows XP/Vista/7/8 are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. ASIO is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. ADAT is a trademark of the Alesis Corp.